The Great Drama of Human Life
by Reverend Hugh Cowan
A Loving God?
God in Human Life?
Human Potential?
Suicide & Despair?
Heaven & Hell?
Spiritual Renewal?
The Future of the Church?
The Destiny of the Human Family
In 1937, minister and historian Rev. Hugh Cowan reflected at the end of four decades of ministry on the some of the big ideas of the Christian faith. He recounts some of the changes he has observed in Christian thought in the first half of the 20th Century.
In this book, Cowan explores the realities of life and death as experienced with his congregations. Many of the challenges he discusses are just as relevant today.
“This world’s a stage, a poet once sung, and on it each man must act his part. Another poet has said, ‘Change and decay in all around I see.’ Two poets, one sees in human life a great drama, and every member of the human family performing a part in that drama; the other sees in human life, change and death. In the great drama of human life, the producer of the drama is God; the Lord Jesus supplies to the stage its light; while the Spirit of God is the One who trains and disciplines and practises the actors so that each may do their part wisely and well, even perfectly. The members of the human family, the actors on the stage, some do their part wisely and well, never perfectly; some do their part not so wisely and not so well; others do not do their part at all; while still others are out in rebellion to destroy the good influence and effect of the drama, if they can.”
Walk back with Cowan over the ideas that challenged the church and its people back then and you will hear echoes of those same issues today. Benefit from his insights into the problems and opportunities of being part of The Great Human Drama.
Paperback and e-Book
136 pages
ISBN 978-1897202197
Now Available
Hugh Cowan
Minister & Historian
Rev. Hugh Cowan (May 20, 1867 – April 19, 1943) was a Presbyterian Church of Canada and later United Church of Canada minister, author, editor and historian. Hugh Cowan was born on May 20, 1867 in Bentinck, Ontario, Canada.
In 1893, he finished his Bachelor of Arts degree in Manitoba College. He pursued his Master of Arts at Knox College,Toronto in 1896. He later pursued his Bachelor of Divinity degree at Kingston, Ontario’s Queen’s Theological College and graduated in 1905.
Cowan has authored numerous historical books. One was Canadian Achievement in the Province of Ontario – The Detroit River District where he wrote about the history of the Canadian people in Detroit River area including Essex county and Windsor, Ontario. The book was recently republished as Ontario and the Detroit Frontier 1701-1814. A similar unpublished work on the history of Chatham and Kent County was also written. He created Gold and Silver Jubilee, Sault Ste. Marie, Canada detailing more the history of Sault Ste. Marie. A monthly publication Mer Douce was produced for three years and is one of the important historical references for the Manitoulin Island, Georgian Bay and Muskoka areas. He also wrote a fictional book entitled La Cloche. The Story of Hector MacLeod and His Misadventures in the Georgian Bay and the La Cloche Districts which is an adventure tale. Cowan also published a book centering on the progress of Christianity called The Great Drama of Human Life. Cowan served as the managing editor of Algonquin Historical Society of Canada.
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