The Misadventures of Hector MacLeod

In the Georgian Bay and The La Cloche Districts

by Hugh Cowan

Hector Front Cover latest

Lieutenant Hector Macleod of a Scottish Highland Regiment returns from defending his country in war to find that the life he left behind has been changed forever. The story follows a man on a mission to avenge the murder of his beloved.

It is late 1700s in the wilderness of the Georgian Bay region of Upper Canada. Scots and other immigrants are exploring and settling this area of what will become Ontario.

The adventure in this rugged and beautiful country begins with surviving the many battles with nature. Aboriginal peoples from many tribes are on the move through this area and are engaged with the newcomers. The people carving out a place for the future might be wonderful or wicked. There is chaos and opportunity, friendship and danger.

The United States has just won its revolutionary war against Great Britain. America is looking north and the War of 1812 is coming.

For Hector MacLeod, he must survive the challenges of an unforgiving wilderness of water and woods as he seeks to find and face his adversary.

This book was originally written in 1928. The tale is told with the care of a historian and a minister’s love of story. Reverend Hugh Cowan was also a historian and author of several books. Here, he transports his readers back to pioneer life in this wonderful and wild part of Canada at an important time in our history. Cowan grew up in the Manitoulin Island and La Cloche area of Georgian Bay. He returned to it many times over his life with some of his family remaining on the island and in the region to this day.

The book was originally titled “La Cloche. The Story of Hector MacLeod and His Misadventures in the Georgian Bay and the La Cloche Districts.”

Paperback and e-Book

190 pages

ISBN 978-1897202289

Now Available

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Rev Hugh Cowan

Hugh Cowan

Minister & Historian

Rev. Hugh Cowan (May 20, 1867 – April 19, 1943) was a Presbyterian Church of Canada and later United Church of Canada minister, author, editor and historian. Hugh Cowan was born on May 20, 1867 in Bentinck, Ontario, Canada.

In 1893, he finished his Bachelor of Arts degree in Manitoba College. He pursued his Master of Arts at Knox College,Toronto in 1896. He later pursued his Bachelor of Divinity degree at Kingston, Ontario’s Queen’s Theological College and graduated in 1905.

Cowan has authored numerous historical books. One was Canadian Achievement in the Province of Ontario – The Detroit River District where he wrote about the history of the Canadian people in Detroit River area including Essex county and Windsor, Ontario. The book was recently republished as Ontario and the Detroit Frontier 1701-1814. A similar unpublished work on the history of Chatham and Kent County was also written. He created Gold and Silver Jubilee, Sault Ste. Marie, Canada detailing more the history of Sault Ste. Marie. A monthly publication Mer Douce was produced for three years and is one of the important historical references for the Manitoulin Island, Georgian Bay and Muskoka areas. He also wrote a fictional book entitled La Cloche. The Story of Hector MacLeod and His Misadventures in the Georgian Bay and the La Cloche Districts which is an adventure tale. Cowan also published a book centering on the progress of Christianity called The Great Drama of Human Life. Cowan served as the managing editor of Algonquin Historical Society of Canada.

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